C.8 - Travel Information

Ways of getting to and from Crystal Palace Park have frequently been the subject of queries to this website. Here are some contacts which should help no matter where in the UK you start from....

MAPS - Where is the Park?

try www.Streetmap.co.uk

Start the search with London postcode SE20 8UT

BUS Travel

try www.transportforlondon.gov.uk/buses/index.shtml

They have a lot of information - about London buses, initiative and projects, fares and tickets, maps, bendy buses.... and much more

TRAIN Travel

The nearest railway station is Crystal Palace - the underground hasn't reached this far south yet!

try www.rail.co.uk

The site also has a lot of information - timetables on the net, train Operating Companies, Travel Bureau (links to travel services available on the web).

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Latest update 12/10/02