23 February 2004



Philip Kolvin, Chairman of the Crystal Palace Campaign since 1998 (shortly after its inception), has stepped down from his position as Chairman which is now taken over by Ray Sacks.

Philip steered the Campaign to victory over the developers who planned to build a 20 cinema multiplex in Crystal Palace Park. He complained about Bromley Council's handling of the planning application for the multiplex to the European Commission, which is suing the UK Government before the European Court in Luxemburg for breach of European Directives and over their poor record on carrying out Environmental Assessments. The outcome may change English law regarding such assessments, and strengthen the hands of protestors deeply concerned over the impact of development on their own neighbourhoods.

Philip Kolvin said:

"It would have been socially irresponsible for us to stop there, and we re-launched the Campaign as a body fighting for positive change. So we went on to carry out a consultation study of around 40,000 households to find out how local people really would like to see their Park regenerated. The report, 'Consultation Starts Here', carries a foreword from Ken Livingstone, and clearly demonstrates how local people wanted Crystal Palace Park to be, well, a Park."

A positive legacy has arisen from the period of bitter disagreement and that is the Stakeholders' Forum which was a result of strenuous diplomacy by the Campaign. This is still ongoing and is regarded as the principal forum for debating issues concerning the Park, with membership comprising over 50 local groups, together with regional and local government.

Under Ray Sacks's direction, the Campaign will continue to participate in the Stakeholders process and provide a voice for the thousands of supporters who have funded the successful progress of the Campaign so far. The website will continue to provide a wealth of information and news on the ongoing Park debates and related matters.

I have loved my time as Chairman, but 6 years is a long time in anyone's life. Ray, whose patience, good humour and intelligence has long been an asset to the Campaign, is the right person to carry the diplomatic process forward, while holding out for a result which represents the views of the majority of right thinking people in the area."

Ray Sacks said:

"I'm sure that all Campaign supporters would acknowledge the tremendous importance of Philip Kolvin's direction, energy and expertise in the disputes with Bromley Council and the multiplex developer. His leadership helped bring about a great outcome for the people of the locality. We will build on that to help find a truly long-term solution for the Park.

Ray Sacks

In the presentation of the Campaign's case (and that of most amenity societies as well as about 50 objectors) at the recent Unitary Development Inquiry, Philip's Proof of Evidence was an extremely powerful document and set out, with great insight, not just the basic argument about Crystal Palace, but a rationale for the protection of parkland everywhere. Happily, Philip's support for the Campaign will not be lost, and he will be lending his assistance when required.

I am very proud to be leading the Campaign in this new phase in its history when we will be consolidating the positive movement we initiated."

Press Officer: Fred Emery - Press Liaison: 020 8670 8486
All correspondence to: Hon Secretary, 33 Hogarth Court, Fountain Drive, London SE19 1UY
E-mail: Campaign Website:

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23/2/04 Last updated 23/2/04